2011 German 3-Move Open

Korbach is the district seat of Waldeck-Frankenberg in northern Hesse, Germany. It is over a thousand years old and a former Hanseatic town. It is located on the German Framework Road.
Panorama of Korbach from Eisenberg hill

The German Open will be held September 24th - 25th, 2011 in Korbach, Germany
Tournament Location:
Kirchstraße 7
34497 Korbach

7 rounds CH-system with two games and colour change. Each player has at least 30 minutes per game.
Entrance fee: adults 12 Euro, juniors (born after 01.01.1991) 6 Euro.
It will be 3-move, and the results will be sent in for the WCDF ratings.

Youth hostel Korbach, Hotel
or private accommodation reservations to Jan Zioltkowski (zioltkowski@t-online.de)

For more information please contact Ingo Zachos at nimzo@gmx.de

Submitted By: Ingo Zachos

2011 International Tournament Dates